Sunday, April 16, 2006

Not So "Real World"

This season of "Real World" in Key West is probably going to be the first one that I will not actually watch. Growing up through the years from my college days, I got hooked one way or another on each passing season of "Real World" in New York, Seattle, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Paris, Las Vegas and San Diego even though I got older and they stayed 18-24, there was some reason for me to watch - at least one of the people in the house was charming and appealing enough to watch, friendships and romances developed and unfolded or folded, and being a Sociology major, I was always fascinated by the dynamics of a house made up of such diverse people of varying attitudes, lifestyles and backgrounds. As I got older, I would not watch the beginning of each season thinking I had finally outgrown this show, but somehow in the middle of the season, I'd get hooked again and have to catch up on some marathon weekend. But not this season in Key West, no, I cannot find a reason to watch these kids - whine-y, self-centered, selfish, issued-riddled and drama-infested - there is no redeeming reason for me to tune in weekly. I am finally tuning out, sorry - try again next season, maybe.