Sunday, July 30, 2006

How It Was

I am selling my furniture piece by piece in preparation, and I cannot help feeling a little sad letting go of these pieces of my life, of at least the last two or three years here in San Francisco. I am letting go of earthly possessions like shedding skin of a snake running free with nothing holding me back, but, still they were pieces of me, they supported me, they held me up, they allowed me to work, to sit, to sleep, to be. Let go.

Quiet of the Night

I did my laundry tonight as the night fell and the windows were open. I noticed how quiet it was as the sky turned dark purple minute by minute with the remnants of the sun setting. Quiet, peace. There is so much turmoil going on in the world right now, and I said a little prayer to the first little star in the night sky. But for this moment, there was peace. The chimes of the Grace Cathedral sounded nine times, lights flickered in a nearby apartment, life, life is happening out there. Quiet, peace.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Unexpected 6 Months

I took this 6-month contract job because I was so unhappy in my last job and I needed a different perspective on things in a finite amount of time before making my move Costa Rica, needed to save money and be able to pay my bills without struggling the way I was with my previous job. I thought I could get in and get out clean, no attachments, no strings, just go in, do what I needed to do and move on.

In a twist of natural events, I made some really good friends at my new job, I care about them, my team, and I care about the company and the product we are working on. I use "we" with pride because I am a part of it. At the end of my contract in September, I will probably leave in tears and with many good memories in tow as I pack up and prepare for the next chapter, rather book, of my life.

Thank you for making these last months challenging and for giving me experiences in which I learned what it really means to be a true team member and a family at work.