Sunday, August 28, 2011

You've Got Mail (1998)

It amazed me that it had been since 1998 when You've Got Mail released. 1998 was when the world of email was just beginning, dial-up, bing bang bong,'ve got mail! And the movie is a romantic comedy between a charming around the corner children's bookstore owner and a big booming business man who ran/owned a big bookstore chain similar to Borders.

Recently, Borders closed its doors (sadly, my Union Square Borders that holds so many good memories, so many leisurely hours walking the bookstore aisles for me over the years is no longer) due to books being sold more over the internet and the popularity of Kindle-like electronic books.

Times have changed - technology, the economy too! And it is interesting how much email, internet and technology in general have changed our lives forever in just 13 years...unbelievable! Even in 1998, life was so much more simpler with less information coming at you constantly in your the good ol' days!