Monday, August 28, 2006


She said I have many enemies. Hmmm...that made me think. Maybe I do, and I just didn't know it. I know some of my "friends" are jealous of me because of my life because of what I have because of what I have done so far, but I always figured my example would encourage them to go after what they want too. I didn't think it would make enemies of those around me, but maybe it's true. Well, my true friends will always be there no matter what, whether I fly surrounded by success or whether I fall with all my dreams crashing down around me. The true ones will be there, here.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Life Goes On

Plans change, people come and go and change, old friends stand by your side and hold you up. Life goes on.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Keep Your Titles

This is the time of year for promotions, but I am happy as a contractor and I will be even more happy to leave the corporate world behind me soon. Titles might mean more money, but they also mean more responsibilities, more time at work and less time at play, more bullshit, and from what I see, an eventual loss in integrity as egos and power-tripping grows and becomes more and more evident and overpowering. Titles or entitlement just are not worth it to me anymore; you can have it as it means zilch to me.